Global communication ,193 recognized countries in the world

Global communication

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there are about 193 recognized countries

in the world today as for the number

of spoken languages that is difficult

to pinpoint but ethnologies points that

at about 7,000 106 as of 2014 however most

of the world speaks just 12 languages these

are in descending order based on native

speakers Mandarin Chinese Spanish English

Hindi Arabic Portuguese Bengali Russian

Japanese job’ German and Javanese so how

do people from different countries communicate

there are several answers three of which

we will go over today the first and probably least common solution in Global communication

is the Esperanto language it was created

by polish ophthalmologist LOL Zalman

Hall as an attempt to create a global

language his first goal was to make the language

very easy to learn secondly he wanted

the language to be a direct means of international

communication and thirdly he wanted it to be a means

of overcoming the natural and difference of mankind

today Esperanto has about two million speakers but just

over one thousand native speakers our second solution is electronic translation services for example

both Google and Microsoft have their own translation services to Global communication

Google Translate and Microsoft translator respectively

the pro is that these are good at translating individual

words and short phrases very quickly and accurately

these services often have very instant or very short load

times for translations however with longer phrases

and sentences they get confused so these services are

often hilariously inaccurate with those the final solution is interpreters or translators these

people are fluent in multiple languages

but mainly exist for languages such as English and French

Arabic and Chinese most interpreters make a

lot of money Brin example many large companies

need to do business with countries like Saudi Arabia

and China so translators are in high demand for these

which is Arabic and Mandarin Chinese human translators

are often very popular in major tourist areas human

translators are much more accurate than computers but

are extremely expensive compared to electronic translators

which are often free or very cheap thank you

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read more communications

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